Page name: Arya Tam [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-10-03 19:13:35
Last author: Synirria
Owner: ~Valkyrie~
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User Name: [~Valkyrie~]

Character name: Arya Tam
Mutant Name: Charm

Classification: X-Man

Abilities/powers: Emotion manipulation and telepathic communication. Arya can influence people's feelings or emotions and can vaguly sense their current, natural emotions. This requires a subtle touch, slowly influencing a shift in emotion so as to not make the tampering obvious. Also, she is unable to completely change someone's emotions. She cannot approach someone who hates her and change their feelings toward her with a snap of her fingers. Though she might take it as a personal challenge to get them to like her over a length of time. She can also communicate telepathically.

Sex: Female
Age/Date of Birth: 21, February 9
General appearance: Arya has shoulder-length auburn hair and bright green eyes. Standing about 5'6" and 135lbs, she has a fit, curvy body that she likes to show off with tight fitting and otherwise flattering clothing.
Additional Appearance: She has two pairs of piercings in her ear lobes, one in the cartledge of her right ear, and a small stud in her nose. She also has a tattoo of a celtic knot in the shape of a butterfly just to the inside of her left hip bone.

Personality: Arya is usually pretty sweet, though she isn't really as innocent as she acts. She loves to have fun, and that often involves flirting-with men or women-or seeing how far she can push people's emotions without anybody noticing. She generally acts pretty nonchalant, but she is almost constantly analysing situations, trying to think of ways to make everything more fun.
Special Skills: She loves to dance, anything from ballroom to hip-hop.

Place of birth: Hershy, Pa
Weapon(s) of choice: She is a fair shot with a handgun
Medical information: N/A
Brief History: Arya had a reletively normal childhood. She discovered her ability to manipulate people's emotions her junior year of high school, though it wasn't until after she graduated that she discovered her ability to telepathically communicate. Looking back, however, she believes that she had been subconciously using both abilities for some time before her discovery of them. She tried college, but like many people, didn't do particularly well. It wasn't that she was not intelligent, she just has no patience for the strict peramiters of study that a class imposes. She recently heard of a place for mutants to hone their abilities so she is eager to explore the school.
Relatives: Her parents and older brother still live in Hershy.

How long your character has been in the mansion: New arrival

Current Attire:
Navy blue bikini with white trim and a navy blue serong tied around her waist.

X-Men Characters

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2014-05-14 [Figgy]: Dur has gone to bed so I can't consult with him yet, but I know the big problem is gonna be illusions. In the past we have turned down illusions because they are so hard to GM :/ Gimme till tomorrow to talk to Dur about it, though, and see what he thinks.

2014-05-14 [~Valkyrie~]: Alright, worst comes to worst I can work with just the emotion manipulation and maybe add telepathic communication...I may do that anyways. Still thinking.

2014-05-14 [Figgy]: Okay, talked it over with Dur and he doesn't think the illusions or the direct emotional manipulation will work out well, especially when other players decide they don't want their characters to be influenced by her.

So, we're proposing a more mild form of her powers. We suggest for the illusions part, Arya is able to bend light around her to create complex optical illusions, and as far as emotions, she can simply project her own emotions to others around her (reverse empathy) as well as sense others.

It's a more indirect form of things, but still deals with psychic powers, in a sense. It will also be easier to GM (we can make GM posts concerning everyone in the area as opposed to trying to do one for each individual character).

Let us know what you think.

2014-05-14 [~Valkyrie~]: I think I'm going to drop the illusions. As far as what I was thinking for the emotions, I wasn't thinking she could really Change people's emotions so much as she could influence them. She won't be able to take someone who hates her and make them her best friend, not without a Lot of time and effort, but she may be able to take someone who is indifferent and influence them to like her. It would also be up to each player how successful she is and if their character notices her tampering. Is that still too much?

2014-05-14 [Figgy]: Nah, that's fine, I think :O I'll run it by Dur to be sure, but I know we haven't had any problems with that in the past. Keep in mind that there are some players who will probably have their chars ignore the influence consistently. You could always try to plot with some of them before hand to ensure that things go the right way, but it's probably gonna be a lot of let downs and such. But it's up to you if you wanna keep that power :O Just letting you know that there is that risk.

Are you still going to include telepathy?

2014-05-14 [~Valkyrie~]: Yeah, I can deal with that. I've kind of gotten used to playing with people who don't really "play fair" so to speak, I usually just avoid interacting with their characters when I can.

I think I am. I still have to go back over the page and edit. I wrote it late last night so I'm sure it needs a fair amount of work. I just want to wait for the kid I'm babysitting to go home so I can get on my computer instead of the tablet.

2014-05-15 [Figgy]: Okay, so here's the deal. If you're satisfied with Arya's powers, that is fine. But we've had a communication error with another player, and their character now has the ability to manipulate/create small illusions through other characters' minds. WITH the stipulation that the player is allowed to decide whether their character is affected by the illusions or not. In light of this, Dur and I are going to recant our critique of Arya's previous powers and allow them to be changed back with the same criteria of the other character.

2014-05-16 [~Valkyrie~]: Nah, I think I like her better this way. Thanks though

2014-05-16 [Figgy]: Okiedoke, just wanted to extend to you that option.

2014-05-16 [~Valkyrie~]: :)

2014-05-16 [~Valkyrie~]: Any suggestions for a call sign? I'm trying to think of something.

2014-05-16 [The Black Goat]: I agree ^^ poor nadine is easy pickings for a girl like her ha ha

2014-05-16 [~Valkyrie~]: Lol

2014-05-16 [Figgy]: Not sure :O I'll ask Dur and we'll brainstorm

2014-05-16 [The Black Goat]: ophhh I'm pretty good with names

(I think)

2014-05-16 [~Valkyrie~]: If you think of anything let me know, I'm kinda hitting a wall. I may post the question in a comment on the characters page.

2014-05-16 [The Black Goat]: well I was gonna name caleb's younger brother lithium, because he had the ability to pacify people by touch (but i still have three characters and I don't get a fourth lol)

so, if you were to describe power in one word, what would it be?

2014-05-16 [~Valkyrie~]: I'm not really sure I can describe it in a single word. Emotion manipulation. I came up with "Manip" but I don't really like it. My mind keeps going back to empathy, but that's really more a byproduct of her primary ability.

2014-05-16 [Figgy]: Dur is giving me some suggestions

I know there was one a while back called EMP

Charm (I like this one)

2014-05-16 [The Black Goat]: Charm is a good one =)

2014-05-16 [The Black Goat]: I'd say ideas/words associated with emotional manipulation,

but I agree with Figgs, I'd say it fits, of course its all up to you ^^

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